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2021 Spring NACDEP Newsletter
NACDEP Colleagues,
Greetings and welcome to the Spring 2021 edition of the NACDEP newsletter. I hope that you are doing well. It seems like the newsletter is still enjoying more success than ever. As you will see by going through the current edition, we have entries on a host of topics that you will find important.
First off, recall that this is the last edition before the 2021 Annual Conference. Thanks to Jan Steen for providing us with a description of the conference, along with a link to registration. We will be having two excellent external speakers for the keynote and capnote, as you will see in Jan’s entry. They are Dr. Michael Carolan and Clifton L. Taulbert. Their topics are “Food Systems, Community Livelihoods and COVID-19,” and “Community Development: A Dynamic Process ‘Expanding Your Tools’” respectively. There is information on how you might obtain a scholarship to help you pay for conference registration coming in a separate email. Be on the lookout for that in case you are facing financial hardship.
The current edition of the newsletter also features a nice write-up by Jaime Menon on the social media survey. Tamara Ogle gives us an extensive report on awards. We have a very thoughtful and timely piece named for the Jackson Browne song, “Running on Empty” by Michael Wilcox and Elisa Worland. Paul Lachapelle has given us a heads up on a conference on climate change coming almost immediately after the newsletter is published. We have pieces from Susan Kelly and Gwynn Stewart. We also have a member services committee note from Michael Dougherty. In short, we are maintaining the momentum the newsletter has been building with a very robust spring edition. My thanks to everyone who has contributed.
I hope you will take your time, sit back, and enjoy the newsletter. Remember, you can always get in touch with me if you have questions or would just like to discuss the newsletter in general.
And now the Spring 2021 edition.
Thomas W. Blaine, PhD Newsletter Editor
President's Column
Submitted by Adam Hodges, NACDEP President
Dear Friends,
I hope these words find you full of hope as I am for the future. At this time last year we were hurriedly reacting to the worsening pandemic by turning our conference into a virtual one for the first time. None of us could possibly grasp the amount of loss we would sustain over the following year. This past year, many of us have had to accept that our roles and interactions with NACDEP would not be what we might have expected.
Board Members, Conference Planning Teams, and Conference Presenters found themselves adapting to an uncertain world. We have made the best of the situation and in some cases have made positive changes that will sustain in the future. Luckily extension, specifically Community Development has always adapted to ever changing needs. While I am disappointed we will not meet physically again this year in May, I am excited for another opportunity to meet and share with you virtually. Last year’s conference was attended by many individuals and institutions who had never come to a conference before.
This virtual platform is ideal for those who may not have the funding to regularly attend conferences and has allowed many institutions to send their students. As we approach our conference time once again, please make sure colleagues and students are aware of the opportunity to attend our 2021 Conference virtually. I hope to see you all very soon!
Adam Hodges President
We'll See You at the 2021 NACDEP Virtual Conference
Submitted by Jan Steen, K-State research and Extension, Com Com Co-Chair
You probably know by now that the 2021 NACDEP conference has gone virtual. This is an amazing professional development and networking opportunity you should seriously consider if you haven’t registered yet. Why, might you ask?
- It’s reasonably priced! $105 for members, $195 for non-members, and even students have a registration option. Remind your administration that there are no plane tickets, meals, or hotel costs associated this year.
- Professional development! This year’s schedule is shaping up to be quite full of innovative and timely sessions presented by your colleagues from around the nation. Learn about new programming ideas and ways others are addressing community issues you may be dealing with.
- Networking! Not just a chance to see friends and fellow community development professionals in the sessions, social, and hospitality rooms, but an opportunity to reconnect and share.
To register, see the schedule and more, visit the conference registration page:
Updating Your Member Profile and Discussion Circles
Submitted by Jan Steen, K-State Research and Extension, NACDEP Com-Com Co-Chair
Right now is a perfect time to go into the website to update your member profile. By adding your picture and programming interests you’re giving others an easy way to find you and potentially collaborate. Circles are another way to get in touch and share ideas. Think of a Circle as a discussion board where website members can post different topics and bounce ideas off each other. To see how to update your profile and also how to create or participate in a Circle, watch this video on the NACDEP YouTube channel:
Notes From The NACDEP Member Services Committee
Submitted by Michael Dougherty, NACDEP Member Services Chair [email protected]
The Member Services Committee is here – for you – the NACDEP Member.
If you are “newish” to NACDEP – or if you are going to participate in the conference for the first time – be sure to check out the Virtual Newcomers Session on Friday, May 14 at 11 a.m. (Zoom link to be provided closer to the event to registrants). You will get a chance to learn about the organization and hear from incoming president Melinda Grismer.
If you are having difficulties finding the funding to pay for the virtual conference, the committee is overseeing the awarding of conference scholarships to cover the registration in this on-line event for members who might not otherwise be able to participate. Detailed information about how to apply for a scholarship is being made in a separate announcement.
If you have enjoyed any of the NACDEP Wednesday Webinars over the past 15 months, the committee would like to thank you for your participation. If you have ideas on future topics or ways to improve the on-line offering for 2021-2022, the committee would love to hear from you.
If you have ideas on how to make being a NACDEP member have greater meaning or value – or if you would like to be part of the team that is working to do so, have you thought about volunteering to be a part of the Member Services Committee.
If you have any questions or comments – or good ideas – reach out to me at the email above.
Sign the Petition to Create a NACDEP DEI Committee
Submitted by Michael Wilcox
Recently, the NACDEP Board created an ad hoc committee to examine diversity, equity, and inclusion issues in NACDEP. Building on the work started over the last few annual conferences, the committee met several times and created a draft punch list of action items to consider. This list was extensive and beyond the scope of an ad hoc committee. As such, committee members Michelle Eley, Crystal Tyler-Mackey, and Rachel Welborn joined up with Emily Proctor and Michael Wilcox to draft a petition to the NACDEP Executive Committee to create NACDEP's tenth committee, the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee or DEI Com.
Per the NACDEP Bylaws, a petition needs to be circulated and brought to the NACDEP Executive Committee for their consideration. Please consider signing the petition by filling out this survey:
Submitted by Tamara M. Ogle
This year we will be featuring a few of our National Award winners in each of the newsletters. This is another opportunity to share some of the great work of NACDEP members in community development. We want to congratulate all National and Regional Award winners for 2020!
2020 NACDEP Cross Program Award Team Winner
WIC Perks
Amanda Osborne and Courtney Woelfl, Ohio State University Extension
The WIC Perks pilot was an expansion of the Produce Perks nutrition incentive program in Cuyahoga County. Produce Perks offers Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) recipients a dollar-for-dollar match when shopping with an Ohio Direction Card at local farmers' markets across the state. The WIC Perks pilot expanded the Produce Perks program to serve families receiving Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Farmers' Market Nutrition Program (FMNP) coupons.
The WIC Perks program was piloted by Ohio State University Extension Cuyahoga County, Cuyahoga County Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) Program, and four local farmers' markets. The pilot partners decided to work collaboratively and leverage resources to offer additional services to WIC clients at 8 of the 26 scheduled WIC FMNP distribution dates in 2019. After families received WIC/FMNP coupons on one of the eight select distribution dates, they had the option to engage in a short cooking demonstration, taste testing, or educational activity. In exchange for their participation, families received an additional set of coupons for fresh fruits and vegetables valued at $20 and relevant culinary tools.|
The WIC Perks pilot aimed to serve 500 families, but that goal was exceeded due to the demand for the additional coupons. The pilot served 683 families, providing them with $13,660 worth of coupons to purchase fresh fruits, vegetables, and herbs at local farmers' markets in addition to the WIC FMNP coupons they received. The redemption rate for WIC Perks coupons was approximately 50%, providing local farmers with an additional $6,800 in revenue. Significant increases in both SNAP sales and WIC FMNP distribution also occurred on WIC Perks event days.
To learn more about the WIC Perks pilot, visit
2020 NACDEP Innovation and Creativity Award Individual Winner
Downtown Bracket Project
Ryan Sandwick, University of Kentucky/CEDIK
Engaging communities and residents to be involved in the future of their downtowns can be challenging. There is often perceived to be more talk than action, and the fiscal realities of many smaller and rural communities can create barriers to implementation. Thankfully, there are few things that can incite as much passion in Kentucky as March Madness, and when your organization's mission is economic development, there is an obvious opportunity to harness that excitement to your advantage. The Downtown Bracket project was developed to do exactly that: creatively engage the broader community in the future of their downtown using a March Madness-inspired bracket in a way that ends with tangible results that support downtown revitalization.
The concept of the Downtown Bracket itself is quite simple: allow residents and place-users to vote for the project they wanted to see installed in their downtown during March Madness while allowing the City to make a short-term move towards a long-term vision. The eight included projects in our pilot effort in Winchester, Kentucky, were all identified from their downtown master plan and were intended to be installed for under $5,000 and within an estimated timeline. These eight projects were categorized into four themes, such as public art and landscape improvements, and were grouped into a bracket format. Each week people voted for their preferred project by donating items into specialty-built voting boxes that were given to a local teen center. After three weeks of voting with over 100 donated items, the winning project, a shade canopy, was installed in downtown Winchester that summer. The downtown bracket project allows people to choose which project they would like to see installed in their community, providing transparency, and ending with a tangible built project that people can see and experience themselves.
2020 NACDEP Innovation and Creativity Award Team Winner
Rural Online Initiative
Amanda D. Ali, Paul Hill, Russell Goodrich, Emy Swadley, Jordan Leonard, Trenton Willson, and Mike Sarles, Utah State University
The Rural Online Initiative (ROI) program was a legislative response to increasing unemployment rates and rural-urban migration in rural Utah. Given these challenges facing rural communities, the Utah Legislature provided Utah State University (USU) Extension with funds to develop the ROI Program. The Legislature identified remote work as a solution to rural unemployment because of its economic and environmental benefits: job creation without rural-urban migration, increased income, reduced overhead costs as businesses save on office space and real estate costs, and reduced carbon emissions and traffic congestion which promotes clean air quality. The ROI program currently consists of courses designed to certify participants on enhancing remote work skills and best practices and managing hybrid and fully distributed teams. Pilot courses targeted toward 4-H youth and e-commerce are also designed to help participants find meaningful remote work opportunities within their communities and successfully navigate online businesses. For more information on our program and remote work courses, please visit
NACDEP's Social Media Survey
Submitted by Jaime Menon, K-State research and Extension, Com Com Co-Chair
Cue the suspense music – we know that your anticipation concerning the results of the NACDEP Social Media Survey has been keeping you up at night, so prepare to be relieved and dazzled (ok, maybe neither, but the results are here)!
Here are the results, summarized, question by question:
Where do you get your NACDEP News?
Email was the clear winner here (with 42% for all of those who love to see the numbers), next was the NACDEP Newsletter (OMYGOSH…you are currently reading the NACDEP Newsletter that you received by email…there must be a connection!), followed by the NACDEP Website. All of these seem like very logical places to get such news…but just a shade under 10% also use Facebook to get our NACDEP News…so that looks like a place we will continue to boost our news, so stay tuned. We did have some nice comments that people are getting information in meetings and from colleagues, so that is encouraging!
Utilization of Platforms:
So, where are we all at platform wise? Well, it almost goes without saying that people are on email and Facebook multiple times a day (hey, we must get work done AND search for the perfect meme to apply to our status. To make it convenient, if you want to connect to our Facebook Page but haven’t yet, CLICK HERE), as well as Twitter and Instagram (although those are quite a bit less utilized). The NACDEP Newsletter and Website are only utilized once a week or hardly at all…but that is likely since newsletters come out quarterly and special announcements by email from NACDEP here and there.
What types of posts do you find most informative or useful?
Reminders about events and deadlines are found to be most informative and useful, as well as the opportunities provided for professional development, learning and engagement (such as the Wednesday Webinars and the program spotlights featured there).
What would you like to see more often?
Most of the comments for this question had to do with wanting to know what others are doing. Specific comments ranged from topics related to diversity, equity, and inclusion (note Michael Wilcox’s opportunity to create a NACDEP DEI committee above if you are interested at the NACDEP level) to training on social media platforms to grow audiences. There is also a real wish to see success stories and have more podcasts. Sound like opportunities to me! We did have a few comments concerning wanting to see more activity by members on the LinkedIn Group…well, we can all be a part of that, and if you aren’t yet, get connected HERE.
Thank you to all that participated in the survey! It is great to know where you get your information so that we can more directly engage you. If you are interested in providing opportunities listed in the “what would you like to see more often?”, reach out and we can work to get things sorted.
Running on Empty
Submitted by Michael Wilcox and Elisa Worland
For many, just reading the title of this article sets off the tune in your head. Well, assuming that you can find it in your brain, which has become a jumbled mess over the last year for many of us.
In the song, Jackson Browne sings:
“Gotta do what you can just to keep your love alive
Trying not to confuse it, with what you do to survive”
Over the past year, we have found ourselves concentrating a lot of time on the latter and not as much on the former. we would argue that this has led to the current national conversation about the silent pandemic of burnout.
The numerous challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic have affected many people’s mental health. Several have speculated that these challenges may have lasting effects. A myriad of these challenges has arisen in the workplace. Scores of individuals had to move to remote working, learning to use online platforms, carve out space in their homes for offices, and redefine the traditional 8-hour workday. For those folks who have not had a choice but to go to the workplace during the pandemic, their heightened stress and long hours have taken a toll. Also, the isolation of remote work has fostered imposter syndrome. And, the lack of control over so many things affecting our daily life has left us with growing uncertainty and an immense amount of stress. These factors, and many others, have led to burnout.
Burnout was recently defined by the World Health Organization’s ICD-11 as:
“Burnout is a syndrome conceptualized as resulting from chronic workplace stress that has not been successfully managed. It is characterized by three dimensions:
- feelings of energy depletion or exhaustion;
- increased mental distance from one’s job, or feelings of negativism or cynicism related to one's job; and
- reduced professional efficacy.
Burnout refers specifically to phenomena in the occupational context and should not be applied to describe experiences in other areas of life.”
Christina Maslach, a researcher at UC Berkeley breaks this down further into 6 areas that can cause burnout- workload, autonomy, recognition/reward for work, sense of community, fairness, and derived value/meaning from work. An imbalance in one area does not necessarily cause burnout. An employee at a tech startup might be working 70-hour weeks, but have a high level of autonomy, feel very stimulated by colleagues, and believe that her or his work will truly move the needle. Yet, when there is an imbalance on multiple fronts, that is when burnout tends to set in. Before the pandemic, burnout was an issue for many. As time has gone on, we have seen the pandemic launch numerous others into burnout.
Lack of autonomy? Check. How many working mothers have felt that sense of panic when schools have gone online-only and worried how they will balance their work obligations and their children’s e-learning? How many folks could not choose to work from home and are at risk for possible infection? How many of us watched programs and events we planned canceled due to restrictions on gatherings?
Workload imbalance? Check. That wall between work and home life came tumbling down and many of us are still learning how to create some separation between the two.
Loss of community? Check. While Zoom has been a lifesaver, it still is not the same as connecting in person. It is exhausting for the brain to engage over virtual platforms and we miss those informal conversations before and after meetings that give us a sense of connection.
And those are just three of the areas.
You may see yourself in these examples. You may see your family, friends, and colleagues in these examples. What do you do to cope? Or better yet, what can you do to start recovering from burnout and shift toward re-engagement at work / in your community?
One thing to consider is the Purdue Extension’s offerings in Health, Leadership & Civic Engagement and Quality Places programs. These can address mental health issues, stress management, help you develop your leadership potential, or reignite your passion for your community.
Another is a new book by Paula Davis from the Stress & Resilience Institute called Beating Burnout at Work: Why Teams Hold the Secret to Well-Being and Resilience. As described in a Smart Brief article, Davis argues that people can think about getting PRIMED to deal with and become more resilient to burnout:
- Psychological safety and psychological needs
- Relationship and the importance of building a connection
- Impact: Why do you do what you do?
- Mental strength and mindset
- Energy: addressing sources of stress
- Design: how to create positive change
To us, this brings us back to Jackson Browne’s sentiment that you: “Gotta do what you can just to keep your love alive.” As hard as the past year has been, your family, your community and yes, even your employer, needs you and the love you bring to everything that you do. Having trouble finding that love?
Now is the time to ask yourself, “Well, what CAN I do with what is available?”
Now is the time to make the brave decision to do something completely different!
Now is the time to let something go.
Now is the time to think about what matters most to you, rekindle your love, and keep it (and yourself!) alive.
Acknowledgment: Many thanks to Tessa Garrow, Behavioral Health Specialist in HHS Extension, for her valuable insights as we developed this article!
Asset Mapping of County Water, Sewer and Storm Water Resources
Submitted by Gwynn Stewart, Community Development Educator III Ohio State University Extension – Noble County, Ohio
Water lines, sanitary and storm sewers, and other infrastructure are usually hidden from plain sight in most communities. But if this infrastructure were not there, no community could sustain economic growth needed to help people live, work and thrive.
The Ohio State University Extension, Noble County Community Development Educator partnered with The Noble County Commissioners to secure an $80,000 Great Lakes Ohio Rural Community Assistance Program (RCAP) USDA-funded program grant and provided local match funding for the GIS database asset mapping all of the existing drinking water and sanitary and storm sewer assets serving the entirety of Noble County. Previous county maps were more than 15 years old and were not based on digital mapping through GIS collection of resources.
Also partnering on the project were: The Village of Caldwell, Dexter City, Noble Water Company, Noble Water Authority, Tri-County Water Authority, Clear Water, Pure Water, Guernsey County Water, and Tri-County Water Authority. Support was also provided by the Noble County Health Department, Noble County Engineer and Noble County EMA Director.
Ohio RCAP assisted each infrastructure management entity with mapping and digitizing all known below ground utility assets based on current drawings, records and Geographic Information System files using ESRI software. Following mapping and data capture, Ohio RCAP provided operators with technical assistance, hands-on training and each system received the tablet technology and mobile GIS equipment to maintain GIS data. The partnership in data collection will help ensure sustainability of the systems through preventive maintenance recording, reporting and dashboards to track and monitor operations. As a result, from a community and economic development perspective, the County knows what assets exist across all systems and their location for future growth and expansion needs.
The program launched in June 2019 digital collection of all water, sewer and storm water resources in the entire county were completed by late 2020. Representatives from various water companies, the Noble County EMA, Noble OSU Extension and the Noble Commissioners attended Ohio RCAP project meetings and trainings.
In early 2021, it was determined that the final project’s GIS accurate maps, will be hosted centrally through the Noble County Engineer’s GIS program and each individual system was given digital systems equipment and training for ongoing system updates that keep the asset mapping current with monthly updates to the centralized county system.
From a Community Development perspective, community leaders are using the mapping to determine areas for consideration for economic development as well as in seeking funding to build out the commercial and residential public water and wastewater systems, and in planning for housing development needs.
One system operator commented that having the digital system was very helpful during the winter months because when they were water line breaks, he wasn’t guessing where the line was in the snow, he had the tools to find and fix it more quickly.
Ohio RCAP staff training system operators on the GIS ESRI tools.
Climate Change in Extension Conference Set for April 19-21
Submitted by Paul Lachapelle
What is the current state of affairs and where are we headed with regard to climate change programming in Extension? Discover more by joining “Climate Change in Extension: Elevating and Amplifying Action”, a virtual national action forum April 19-21, 2021. There is no fee to participate and all are welcome. Below is the agenda and link to register and attached is the event flyer.
Register here:
Mon. April 19 (12:00 - 1:30pm ET)
Setting the Stage: How can the Cooperative Extension System rise to our full potential in advancing climate change programming?
At this opening session, our panelists of federal leaders representing national Extension interests will each provide a brief presentation followed by open discussion with forum participants. Confirmed panelists (with additional invitations pending) include:
- Dr. Carrie Castille, Director, USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA)
- Dr. Caroline Henney, Executive Director, Cooperative Extension System/Extension Committee on Organization and Policy (ECOP)
- Dr. Nikola Garber,, Deputy Director, National Sea Grant College Program
- Mr. Bill Hohenstein, Director, USDA’s Office of Energy and Environmental Policy, Office of the Chief Economist
Mon. April 19 (1:30 - 2:30pm ET)
Networking Social
An informal space with breakouts to better connect with colleagues engaged in and passionate about climate change initiatives in Extension.
Tues. April 20 (12:00 - 1:30pm ET)
Digging Deeper into Extension Climate Programming with State Leadership Panels
On Day Two, our panelists of State Extension Directors from across the country will highlight some of the climate change-related Extension programming in their states followed by open discussion with forum participants. Confirmed panelists (with additional invitations pending) include:
- 1994 Tribal Land Grants – TBD
- 1890 HBCU Land Grants – Dr. Obadiah Njue, Assistant Dean for Extension at the University of Arkansas-Pine Bluff
- South – Dr. Rich Bonanno, Associate Dean, CALS and Director, NC Extension
- North Central – Dr. Karl Martin, Dean and Director of Extension, UW Madison
- Northeast – Dr. Brian Schilling, Director of Extension, Rutgers University (and the Chair of the Association of Northeast Extension Directors)
- West – Dr. Ken White, Vice President and Dean, USU Extension
Wed. April 21 (12:00 - 2:00pm ET)
Elevating and Amplifying Action
On the final day of the forum, join your colleagues in facilitated breakout sessions to discuss and identify priorities within your program area for advancing climate change education and action in the next 2, 12, and 24 months. Then come back together for the closing plenary to share each program area’s identified priorities and wrap up.
Visit for more information and/or to join the National Extension Climate Initiative.
The National Extension Climate Initiative (NECI), Steering Committee:
- Jennison Kipp, University of Florida Extension, NECI Co-Chair
- Paul Lachapelle, Montana State University, NECI Co-Chair
- Sabrina Drill, University of California, Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County
- Wendy Hamilton, New Mexico State University (Emeritus Professor)
- David Kay, Cornell University
- Ros McCann, Utah State University
- Tracy Morgan, Washington State University
- Betsy H. Newman, Western Rural Development Center
- Eric R. Norland, USDA - National Institute of Food and Agriculture
- Melissa Ocana, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Committee on Policy and Resolution Report
Submitted by Susan Kelly, Resolution and Policy Chair
Committee members: Michael Darger, Michael Dougherty, Melinda Grismer, Adam Hodges, Susan Kelly and Crystal Tyler-Mackey. Additional input provided by Michelle Eley, Rachel Welborn, Emily Proctor and Ramona Madhosingh-Hector.
The committee reviewed the current Bylaws (2017) and Policies and Procedures (2020) for needed changes. Three issues were a focus for this committee:
- Membership Year
- Membership Requirements
- Diversity, Equity and Inclusion in our Mission and Vision (from Diversity Tabling Exercise at the 2019 Annual Conference)
On May 18, 2021 the membership will vote on Bylaws Changes at the Annual Business Meeting, which will be held virtually in conjunction with the 2021 Annual Conference.
- Membership Year – suggested change will take place in the Policy and Procedure Manual to extend the grace period following membership lapse to 90 days. This will be presented to the Executive Board and will not require a Bylaws change.
- Membership Requirements – for Ballot at the Annual Meeting
Article III, Section 1. Membership (page 2)
There shall be no limit to the maximum number of members within the Association or any of its membership classes. At least 51% of NACDEP Membership will be composed of educators with a 25% or more Extension appointment. …..(bolded sentence is the proposed addition)
Diversity, Equity and Inclusion. The committee recommends changes to the Policy and Procedure Manual that will form a new DEI Standing Committee.
For Ballot at the Annual Meeting an additional DEI item:
Article XI, Section 3 Committee Membership (page 8)
Section 3. Committee Membership.
All committee chairs are appointed for a one-year term but can be re-appointed annually with no restrictions on number of terms served. Committee members are appointed for one-year term by Committee Chairs with consultation from the President. They can be re- appointed annually with no restrictions on the number of terms served. The number of persons assigned to the committees shall be at the discretion of the President. Every attempt will be made to attain geographic and land grant institution diversity (1994, 1890, 1862) distribution. Subcommittees and subcommittee chairs will be appointed by the Committee Chairs as needed.” (Amended February 2006, April 2009, and September 2013) (bolded words are the proposed addition)
This report serves as notice to the NACDEP membership of an impending vote on two bylaws changes on May 18, 2021 at the Annual Business Meeting.