In This Issue...
- A Message from your President
- 2018-19 Board
- Journal of Extension
- 2019 NACDEP Conference
- Penn State Extension on Community Conflict
- Southern Region Updates
Minnesota's BR
- You Belong in NACDEP
NACDEP Mission and Vision
NACDEP is an organization dedicated to improving the visibility, coordination, professional status and resource base of community and economic development Extension programs and professionals.
Vision: Advocating community and economic development programming, while educating and recognizing Extension professionals who develop successful programs and expand resources to strengthen communities.

Follow us on Twitter
NACDEP Colleagues: Greetings. I hope everyone has had an enjoyable winter. As the spring season approaches, we have our March issue of the newsletter ready for you. I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you of our newsletter publication schedule. We go to press with four regular issues per year. They are: March, June, September and December. I normally send out the call for submissions in the closing days of the month prior to publication. That means that you all receive an official email via our publisher Ricky Atkins in late February, May, August and November encouraging submissions and including a deadline date for those submissions. For example, the notification for the current newsletter went out on February 25th with a deadline date of March 5th. We always give a minimum of 8 days from notice to deadline. Occasionally we extend the deadline, most notably when board members request that we do so because of pending entries/submissions that require an extra period of time for some reason. We make every effort to get the newsletter out during the second week of the month. Often, the exception to that is June because of the annual NACDEP meeting. Sometimes board members want the newsletter to go out before the meeting, sometimes afterwards The main strength of the newsletter is the membership itself. NACDEP members always seem eager to share their program activities, news about upcoming events and a host of other important items with their colleagues via this medium. It is truly a pleasure for me to serve as your editor, which I have been doing since 2011. If you would like to discuss the newsletter with me, feel free to get in touch. You may have questions as to whether certain items are appropriate, or be seeking ideas on a format for presenting in the newsletter Probably the most common question I get is whether it is okay to submit something that has already been published in a state or regional newsletter. I have found that submissions like these often make a very good contribution to the national newsletter as well. One thing I ask is that you review such submissions carefully and tweak them as necessary to address the national audience. Feel free to let the reader know that a version of the submission first appeared in your state or regional newsletter. We have no editorial policy against publishing items such as these. Another type of question I get is from colleagues who just may feel a little shy about making a submission to the newsletter. You may wish to send me a draft of something prior to actually submitting it to get some feedback. In addition to my email, which is listed on the calls for submissions, you may wish to contact me by phone at 330-466-7877 to discuss any ideas you have about the newsletter.
And now for the March issue. Thomas W. Blaine, PhD
Associate Professor Ohio State University Extension NACDEP Newsletter Editor
A message from the President
Submitted by David Civittolo
We need your input!!!!!!
As I write this note with too much snow still on the ground and temperatures hovering around 15, I want to convince myself spring will soon be here. I hear birds chirping so I know (hope) winter will soon be a memory and folks in Ohio will then be complaining about the heat and humidity!!
Since the December newsletter, the NACDEP Board and Committees have been working to enhance member benefits for our organization- but we need your input, thoughts, and suggestions
On behalf of the Member Services Committee, and with thoughtful input from the Marketing and Communications Committee, a membership survey has been developed. The information you provide will be used by NACDEP Board members and committees to help guide future priorities for our organization to better serve you as a NACDEP member.
I want to thank the Membership Services Committee for all their hard work in developing the survey instrument.
Please take a few minutes to complete the survey. The survey will be open until March 22, 2019 Here is the link:
The results will be shared at the business meeting in Asheville.
David Civittolo [email protected]
Meet the 2018-2019 NACDEP Board
Submitted by David Civittolo, NACDEP President
If you have any questions about NACDEP, please use the contact information below to reach any of the 2018-19 NACDEP Board members.
NACDEP Seeking a Representative for the Extension Journal
If you are interested in joining the Extension Journal Board of Directors as a NACDEP representative, please email me. In general, Board members are expected to:
- Attend and participate in Board meetings
- Participate on at least one Board subcommittee
- Read minutes and handouts prior to meetings and come to meetings prepared
- Suggest agenda items when appropriate
- Maintain communications between NACDEP and Extension Journal Board.
- Solicit input from NACDEP members and communicate their ideas, concerns and input back to the Board
- Recruit individuals office to be considered for appointment as peer reviewers of JOE articles
Submitted by David Civittolo
What you Need to Know About 2019 Annual Conference Registration
Submitted by Susan Kelly, NACDEP President-Elect
By the time you read this article, registration will be just opening for the 2019 Annual NACDEP Conference in Asheville. The registration process will have several features that are a little bit different from previous years. Super Early Bird Registration will be open for the first two weeks and will give people who jump on the chance to pay the lowest registration fee. Don't miss this opportunity!
One Day Registration was developed with our partners in mind but is also available to Extension Professionals who might be from other disciplines and want to check out NACDEP, or live nearby and can only spend one day at the conference. This registration is $125 and just covers our expenses but we hope will open a new world of NACDEP to new people. This option can only be used once (not multiple days) Special Incentives to Register Early! The first 200 registrants will receive a free facilitation tool by We And Me, Inc. Decks of We Connect cards will bring trust building and connection to your next meeting or gathering. Mobile Learning Workshops The North Carolina team developed 9 different experiences from which conference participants can chose that will be educational and fun! They are: Asheville River Arts District; Asheville Region Farm and Vineyard Tour; Hops Hopping Farm to Brewery Tour; Sustainable, Resilient, Intentional Living at Earthhaven Ecovillage Tour; Like a Phoenix, Downtown Asheville Rising; The Flowering Bridge, Growing Community and the Local Economy; Arts and Crafts Penland Style; Raft the French Broad River; Hike the Blue Ridge (and a piece of the Appalachian Trail). Full descriptions will be available on the conference website!
Pre-Conference Learning Opportunities Come a little early on Sunday and dive into one or more pre-conference workshops. Chad Littlefield, Co-Founder and CEO of We And Me, Inc. will present Concrete Tools to Create Connection: 10 Experiential Exercises to Engage Groups. Sharon Lezberg and Jennifer Erickson will provide a workshop entitled Participatory Meetings: The Facilitator's Role in Fostering an Environment of Inclusivity. A facilitation team consisting of Anne Silvis, Gary Taylor, Tanya Hall, Tamara Ogle, Michael Wilcox, Zach Kennedy and Bo Beaulieu will build on work from the 2018 Conference through their pre-conference offering Developing a Phased Planning Model for Extension Professionals. Special Post Conference Experience on Millie's Mountain! This Wednesday afternoon experience includes a traveling lunch, transportation to Millie's Mountain (35 minute drive) a complimentary copy of Juanita Brown and David Isaacs award winning book, The World Café: Shaping our Futures Through Conversations that Matter and other support materials, as well as a fun reception in Juanita's heritage tobacco barn with fellow participants following the program. Participation is limited so early registration is highly recommended.
Presenters: Dr. Juanita Brown and Joy Boothe
Penn State Extension on Community Conflict
Submitted by Judy Chambers Economic and Community Development Educator Energy, Business and Community Vitality Team Penn State Extension, Adams County
Penn State Extension has developed a video series titled "Community Conflict: Finding Middle Ground" which is designed to help extension educators, community leaders, municipal officials and others who work in the public and nonprofit sector. The series offers practical strategies to facilitate and build trust in a community. The short videos are designed to be watched individually or as a series. Each video focuses on individual topics important in productive community conversations.
It is important for community leaders to create a civil environment to explore the issues at the heart of polarizing conversations, whether those difficult discussions focus on community planning, resource development, or other "hot button" topics, according to Walt Whitmer, senior extension educator with Penn State's Department of Agricultural Economics, Sociology, and Education. He and other Penn State Extension educators are sensitive to the importance of effective engagement and earning the trust of stakeholders for optimal open conversation. Whitmer stresses the importance of fostering trust in all public interactions, and
the importance of effective community engagement strategies that ensure the interests and priorities of residents are reflected in the decisions that affect them. "The research and experience of countless practitioners makes this crystal clear," he said. "Without a purposeful and consistent effort to foster trust and build strong relationships at every opportunity, even the best-designed community engagement or conflict-management processes will fall short."
Tom Murphy, director of Penn State's Marcellus Center for Outreach and Research, highlights the importance of understanding risk from a community perspective. "Identifying these risks and assisting community members as they work through known facts and discover new information and benefits, will provide authenticity and transparency to a community leader's discussion," he said. "Sorting out 'possible' versus 'probable' risks is a key component of this transparent process." Determining the makeup of the audience and perceived risks will help a community leader or municipal official to understand their position on the subject. "Identifying and appreciating all the concerns, emotions, uncertainties and fears surrounding the subject prior to a meeting can provide the best frame for a productive discussion," Murphy said.
At times, dealing with a difficult audience or dealing with myths and inaccurate information may be necessary, pointed out extension educator Dan Brocket. Successful coping strategies can provide any leader with the tools to handle difficult audience members or protestors. "These strategies - along with sorting out fact versus fiction early in a discussion - can help a leader reduce negative impact and keep the dialogue focused on accurate details, likely leading to a better outcome," he said.
Lisa Hrabluk, a consultant and founder of Wicked Ideas, whose mission is to create safe and welcoming space for people to learn about complex issues and work together to develop solutions, worked with a team of Penn State Extension educators to develop the video series. She introduces the videos and then wraps them up with insights into building an effective network. "Over the past decade the rise of grassroots, community-based networks have been instrumental in driving economic, social and political change," Hrabluk said. "The hierarchical nature of corporations and governments do not easily adapt to the fluidity of movements, and I've had success helping institutions broaden their traditional stakeholder engagement process to make room at the table for community-based movements and treat them as partners in change."
Penn State Extension has made this video series available at no charge for all community leaders, officials, educators and facilitators. The series can be found on the Penn State Extension website at .
Topics include: "Intro to Community Conflict: Finding Middle Ground," "Effective Engagement," "Social License," "The Role and Importance of Trust," Public Meetings," "Understanding Risk," "Framing the Issue," "Anticipating Audience Response," "Difficult Audiences," "Myths and Misinformation," "Combatting Misinformation" and "Building a Network."
The video series is supported by the U.S. Department of Agriculture's National Institute of Food and Agriculture.
Southern Region NACDEP Updates
Submitted by Amanda Perez, Southern Representative [email protected]
Authors: Linda Seals, UF/IFAS Extension Regional Specialized Agent, [email protected] Ramona Madhosingh-Hector, UF/IFAS Extension, Pinellas County, [email protected]
NACDEP State Chapter Development is Trending in the South
NACDEP is the organizational vehicle by which we in Extension can strengthen the community and economic development program. State chapters offer a vehicle for strengthening our individual work and collaborative projects within our state, as well as offering a continued path to gain recognition for our value within the land-grant system. The growth of community development work and the cross pollination of Community Development with other land-grant disciplines in Southern communities is truly exciting. Many Southern Region NACDEP members now recognize the value of creating State Chapters to provide a professional development pathway for Community Development professionals and those working in Community Development. Seven state chapters have organized since our national association's inception, but we have yet to initiate a Southern Chapter. This year we anticipate 2 - 3 chapters forming in the South. If you are interested in joining this Southern trend of creating a State Chapter, please contact Amanda Perez, University of Arkansas Extension and Southern Region Representative for more details at: [email protected]
Southern Success in Community Development: CIVIC- A Collaborative Community Project in Florida
CIVIC (Community Voices, Informed Choices) is a new community capacity building program in Florida. The cross-discipline program provides technical resources and professional development training to enable agents to effectively engage in community dialogue on public issues. The defining element of CIVIC is its focus on utilizing Extension agents to facilitate deliberative dialogue about complex issues that leads to social action, creates common citizen knowledge, and increases community capacity.
The CIVIC team is truly collaborative as it is comprised of Extension agents and specialists from both the 1862 and 1890 institutions in Florida. The mettle of CIVIC is also being tested internally as we manage our respective duties and navigate the differences between the two Extension systems. To date, Extension agents across the state have conducted at least eight forums on climate change, stormwater, plastic pollution and affordable housing demonstrating the value of CIVIC as a cross-discipline program. This innovative program recognizes that science and value driven judgements impact public issues and public policy development and
Extension can support this process with the right balance of technical and social skills. For more information about CIVIC, check out this video of our award-winning project:
Minnesota offers in-person Business Retention & Expansion course - June 5-6 in Twin Cities
Submitted by Michael Darger & John Bennett, University of Minnesota Extension T
The University of Minnesota Extension's Business Retention & Expansion (BRE) Course teaches a community development methodology for BRE. There are online and in-person sections available. NACDEP'ers and other colleagues from New Hampshire, South Dakota, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, Texas, Arkansas, Mississippi, Oklahoma, Wisconsin, Ontario, Oregon and elsewhere have joined us in the course in recent years. Who does that leave out? This summer we are hosting an in-person BRE course June 5-6th in St. Paul, Minnesota. It is the same course as the online edition. Once again we are offering a related, optional workshop on the morning of June 7th on Business Succession and Transition for community economic developers. Anyone who signs up for the BRE course can also attend the Business Succession and Transition workshop for no extra cost The BRE in-person course is ready to go but the details for the June 7th event are still coming together. Watch the website for further details.
We hope some NACDEP'ers can join us. The Twin Cities are very snowy right now but that will be gone in June (we hope). However, if your travel budget is reserved for the NACDEP conference in Asheville, then we have an online version of the course starting September 25th. Or another in-person course October 22-23, if we have enough registrants. Team discounts and third-party certification through BREI are available.
Rebekka Dudensing, Marketing Committee Chair [email protected] Why do you belong to NACDEP? How does the organization serve you, and what can we do better? Those are some of the basic questions behind the member survey recently released by the membership committee. The marketing committee looked at those same questions from different perspectives during our March committee call. From one perspective, we considered how our marketing strategies can communicate value to current and prospective members and how we build that value. We also spent some time talking about why we, personally, value NACDEP. Most of us on the committee have missed a conference or two. Several of us missed last year or already know we can't attend this year. But we belong to NACDEP year after year. Why? Because we know we belong IN our association. NACDEP is our network. We hope you're planning a trip to this year's conference. The conference is our premier avenue for networking and professional development, and this year's line-up looks awesome. The beautiful Asheville, NC, location is a bonus as well. Still, not all of you will make it to this year's conference, and marketing is working toward bringing you conference highlights and virtual networking opportunities throughout the year. So stay tuned. Let us know if you have ideas, either in the member survey or via email. You belong.