Montana State University
Screening Begins June 21, 2013
Scholarship Applications for 2013 NACDEP Conference at Galaxy
A limited number of full and/or partial scholarships are available for NACDEP members to attend the 2013 Galaxy Conference. Priority will be given to current NACDEP members based on the following criteria:
* First time attendee at a NACDEP national conference
* Presenter at the 2013 NACDEP at Galaxy conference
* Financial need
* Member of a committee
To apply, complete the application form and email it to [email protected].
For a fill-able form version of this application, please email your request to
Applications are due Wednesday, June 26, 2013.
Submitted by Stacey McCullough, Ph.D.
University of Arkansas Extension
How Should We Communicate?
Communication is central to the work of a community development professional and your Communications Committee has been hard at work developing access to platforms that work for the wide range of communicators in our organization. A lot of thought and debate has gone into the question, "Do people join organizations because of social media?" According to our survey results, we found that you prefer Facebook as one social media tool to keep us connected. Mary Peabody has provided leadership in the area of the NACDEP Facebook page and has been doing an excellent job keeping it fresh with intriguing and thought-provoking status updates.
If you haven't done so yet, please "like" our Facebook page and become active in the conversation that is happening there. Do you have a favorite social media tool that you think might be a good fit for NACDEP members? Are you using Twitter, Storify, Pinterest, Good Reads, LinkedIn or any other social tool in your work? Email me at [email protected] or better yet - Facebook us!
Submitted by Susan Kelly,
North Carolina State University
Scholarship Auction for 2013 NACDEP Conference at Galaxy
Support the NACDEP conference scholarship fund by donating items to the Galaxy IV Scholarship Silent & Live Auction. There will be a conference-wide auction with participants from all of Extension's professional associations on Wednesday, September 18th. Read More Here
Submitted by Stacey McCullough, Ph.D.
University of Arkansas Extension
Watch the webinar from the joint NACDEP and ANREP membership meeting and professional development opportunity at the 2013 PILD Conference.
Submitted by Michelle Walk, Michigan State University
2013 CDS Conference
July 20-24, 2013
Francis Marion Hotel
Charleston, South Carolina
Conference Theme:
Beyond the Boundaries: Creating Innovation through Regional Collaboration
Early Bird Pricing Expires June 21!
2013 NET Conference
August 6-9, 2013
Doubletree Suites Detroit Downtown
Fort Shelby
Detroit, Michigan
Conference Theme:
Building Lasting Relationships
Early Bird Pricing Expires Today!
Submitted by Steve Burr, Utah State University Extension
Happy summer to my NACDEP colleagues. I have good news and not-as-good news. If you only care to read good news, then you can stop reading after the Leadership item in my letter below. However, if maybe you like to think a little about things that need fixing, then keep reading all the way. Either way, thanks for what you bring to NACDEP. Read More From President Darger Here
Michael Darger
Extension Specialist, Community Economics
Director, Business Retention & Expansion
University of Minnesota Extension Center for
Community Vitality
Colleagues: Greetings and welcome to the June 2013 edition of the NACDEP newsletter. We have some very interesting items for you in this edition. In addition to lots of news about Galaxy, believe it or not we also have information about the site application for the 2015 annual NACDEP conference (the deadline is July 10). We have a very thorough update from the Southern Region, with a focus on Texas A&M and Arkansas. Susan Kelly, Communications Committee Chair, has an article encouraging all of us to think about how we communicate in the era of social media. Plus we have some job listings in this issue. The president's column by Michael Darger includes an update on Galaxy, along with some items for long term consideration by NACDEP members about our future direction. Happy reading!
Thomas W. Blaine, PhD
Associate Professor
Ohio State University Extension Community Development
If you misplaced your invitation -- or did not receive one -- please contact Mary Seaton at the Penn State Conference Office at
DO NOT call the hotel to make your reservation. You must reserve your hotel room through the Galaxy registration website. The hotel will tell you the block is sold out if you call them direct.
3. Make SURE to sign up for NACDEP sponsored events. Check out the NACDEP at Galaxy schedule
HERE, and make sure to sign up for one of the two NACDEP tours on Monday - Phipps Conservatory or Sports-Led Economic & Community Development with the Pittsburgh Pirates and Steelers: #24 & #25 on this list.
Submitted by Michael Dougherty
West Virginia University
NACDEP TOURS AT GALAXYTours are reaching capacity. Reserve now to ensure you can attend!
Phipps Conservatory:
A Destination that Truly Boasts Something for Everyone
If you're thinking that a trip to a conservatory just means trudging through hothouses with nothing but a bunch of plants to view, you're in for a pleasant surprise at Phipps. The remarkable complex boasts 17 distinct experiences. The Conservatory delivers well on its stated mission, "to inspire and educate all with the beauty and importance of plants; to advance sustainability and promote human and environmental well-being through action and research; and to celebrate our historic glasshouse."
The History of Sports-led Economic and Community Development in Pittsburgh:
Behind the Scenes with the Pittsburgh Pirates and Pittsburgh Steelers
The academic literature has been debating over the last two decades whether professional sports lead to opportunities for economic and community development in the region where they are located. In parallel, recreational opportunities have been promoted as one driver to enhance 'quality' life in both rural and urban settings. This experiential learning opportunity will place you in the heart of Pittsburgh's sports-led economic and community development activities through an interactive workshop hosted by the Pittsburgh Pirates Major League Baseball team and the Pittsburgh Steelers National Football League team.
Each year, NACDEP reaches out to a region (based on our historic rotation) to seek applicants for the opportunity to host our national conference. Our 2015 NACDEP Annual Conference will be held in the Southern Region (based on the SRDC service area). Per our Policies and Procedures, we are seeking "Pre-Applications" from potential hosts. While the pre-application does require some host site information, it is much less comprehensive than the full application. Successful "Pre-applicants" will be asked to submit a complete application.
Pre-applications are due on July 10th.
Submitted by Michael Wilcox,
Purdue University
The southern region currently has 48 active members representing 13 states . Each state is unique in its approach toward supporting community and economic prosperity. Some have dedicated county educators to meet local needs, some have regional or issue-based centers with experts serving a larger geographical area, some maintain statewide programs with faculty on university campuses or other centralized locations, and some utilize multiple structures to meet needs within their state. Check out some of these new and exciting activities happening in the South!
Submitted by Stacey McCullough, Ph.D.
University of Arkansas Extension
The Southern Rural Development Center is pleased to announce that Mississippi State University will continue to host the Center. With the departure of long time director, Bo Beaulieu, the Board has elected to maintain the partnership between the SRDC and Mississippi State University. Mississippi State University will begin a national search for the position of SRDC Director in the coming weeks. Read More Update from the SRDC Here
Submitted by Rachel Welborn
Southern Rural Development Center
My husband and I are currently preparing to list our home on the Grand Rapids real estate market. We purchased our first home over nine years ago, and now with two big dogs and two little kids we are simply busting at the seams. In our preparations we have decided to re-sod our backyard. Much to my delight, I returned home from work one day to see a Michigan State University Extension envelope sitting on my kitchen counter. "Why is this here?" I questioned my husband. I quickly learned that we would be sending in a sample of our backyard soil to MSU Extension to have it evaluated for advice on how best to prepare our yard for sod. While I realize I engaged with the agriculture side of Extension, I was thrilled to be working with Extension in my personal life.
Jen Schottke
Association Executive
Professional Association Resources