NACDEP Committee Overviews
2023-2024 NACDEP Committees, Chairs & Responsibilities
- Communications – Gwynn Stewart, and Jaime Menon - Co Chairs
The Communications Committee is responsible for guiding communications inside the NACDEP membership and outside the association including postings on the website, social media pages, NACDEP newsletter, Listservs, and other means of information sharing.
- Conference (2024) – Nate Peterson , Chair
The Annual Conference Planning Committee is responsible for all aspects of the planning, implementation, and evaluation of the annual conference.
- Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) Committee – Michelle Eley, Jose "Lupe" Valtierra and Lisa Hinz, Co-Chairs,
The Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee’s mission is to facilitate and inform actions that will lead to a diverse, equitable, and inclusive Association, membership, and community development discipline through policymaking, programming, recognition, and resources.
- Finance – Craig Carpenter, Chair
The Finance Committee will serve in an advisory capacity to the NACDEP Board on financial matters and will conduct annual internal reviews of the financial records. In July 2021, this committee also assumed the responsibilities that once belonged to the Development Committee, including strategies for raising funds with the primary goal of advancing the Association through an endowment for sustainability, sponsorships for visibility and connectivity, and providing scholarships for accessibility.
- Member Services – Charissa Puryear and Nicole Walker Co-Chairs
Member Services is charged with keeping the organization responsive to its members, both in terms of organizational focus and products delivered to members and in terms of customer service on a day-to-day basis.
- Marketing – Tanya Lamo, Co -Chair, Donna Rewalt, Co-Chair
Marketing is responsible for communicating the value of NACDEP in order to grow membership and gain visibility in and outside of Extension.
- Nominations – Rebekka Dudensing, Chair
The Nominations Committee is responsible for identifying nominees for election to NACDEP office, which occurs each January.
- Recognition – Eric Walcott and Tamara Ogle, Co-Chairs,
The Recognition Committee is responsible for overseeing the process for identifying NACDEP members at the regional and national levels for outstanding outreach, scholarship, and service to within the field of community development.
- Resolutions & Policy – Rebekka Dudensing, Chair
The Committee on Resolutions and Policy shall annually review existing policy statements and present any new policy statements for consideration at the Annual Meeting.